Feb 5, 2010

I know, I know.

I said before that I'd post photos of my most recent book but instead I'm going to talk about more mundane matters. But first, for something completely different. (Where have I heard that before?)

So what was the point of that? To introduce you to Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne's more that post-modern novel written in 1759 and not your walk-in-the-park novel like a Stephen King tome - a real complex, attention-grabbing whore of book, it is. I'm both reading it (online) and listening to it (librivox - a great place for free audio books which are in the public domain) for a couple of reasons: first, I want to put another notch on my kindle; second, I'm putting in a file that I hope to print out and bind.

I'm hoping to be able to bind the first book (there are three volumes in all) this year. I've typed in the first 30 chapters or so - With pictures! - and hope to finish that end of the deal by next week. Then I need to buy more book cloth. And learn to put in endpapers better.

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