Dec 24, 2009

A Novel Book, A Model Love

Soon I will post photos of my latest creation but right now it is sitting in a box wrapped with Christmasy-themed paper awaiting the recipient to tear it open and gaze at amazement at the creation within.

It is a novel. I wrote it during NaNoWriMo. I set it up on my computer to be imposed upon. And it was. I printed it out. I sewed it up. I glued on the covers and now, viola, it rests beneath our Saturnalia tree.

The novel is a love story, of course, but a special one: a Model Love Story. The resourceful male protagonist manages to bring death upon all who love him. When he meets the sultry female protagonist, it is a knock-down drag out fight between his fellow criminals and himself as to whether his new love will be kidnapped or merely shot. He solves the problem as only he can. With tragic results but not for his new love.

Photos after the Solstice break.
Enjoy yourselves, but, hey, let's be careful out there, okay?

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