Jul 1, 2009

The Puccini Boheme Book

What we have here is a small yet fun to make blank notebook with a zillion pages. Or, really, B5 paper folded into quarters - about 30 of these little darlings - and sewed together and a Puccini 'La Boheme' flyer used as the cover.

Perhaps the pen gives you a sense of the size of this thing - a cute little number that was fun to make, after some difficulty with coming to terms with it.

Perfect binding was used and the one main problem is that the spine bit of the cover was just a tad too big. It doesn't exactly close properly but ripping it apart to fix it would be too much of a trauma - I'd have to destroy the cover - and I'm pleasantly pleased with it. Why? Well, one reason could be that it is the first book I've made in Three Full Months! Unbelievable.

By the way, not to change the subject, but La Boheme is the second most performed opera. The first-most performed opera is Madame Butterfly. Both were written by this Puccini fellow. I guess he had good fortune with operas starting with 'B.' Hence, the name of this little gem is The Puccini La Boheme Book (The Puccini The Bohemian Book?).
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