Jan 12, 2009

Having a Little Fun

During the recent New Year's vacation I dabbled in a miniture book. Well, maybe not so miniture. It measures 6.5 cm by 10 cm and its theme is Halloween. Why Halloween which is either 10 months in the future or two months in the past? Because I used a box as a cover and the box originally housed a plastic jack-o-lantern and, as such, had a carved pumpkin on one face and a bat on the other.

The interior of the book - perfect binding, by the way, meaning not 'perfect' but like a 'real' book - continued the Halloween theme with a short essay on why certain folks don't like Halloween, a variety of Halloween-themed drawings (bats, pumpkins, a ghost or two), and Trick or Treat. The main difference between this book and others is that each 'signature' is actually a folded single piece of paper using what seems to be called the 'Hot Dog' folding method. This is actually a quite common fold here - lots of elementary school kids do it when they should be listening to the teacher - but handy.

Most of the 'art' in this book was done before the paper was folded so it's a surprise to see what pops up on what page. The essay, for example, starts on one page but doesn't conclude until several pages later and the middle is hidden. Fun. A pleasant way to spend a little snowy afternoon.

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