Dec 25, 2008

New Year's New Resolutions

Odds and ends of Bookmaking Resolutions for 2009.

• Starting tomorrow I will make a series of 2010 diaries so that by this time next year I won't have to work my tail off trying to finish one. 

• I will have several books in several stages of production constantly.
1. In design
2. In preparation
3. In construction
4. In marketing and sales

• I will promote Tedorigawa Bookmakers (the company) constantly. Until people get sick of hearing about it. For this I need a few things that I will put together before January 31:
1. Business cards
2. Pamphlet of books available
3. Handouts of books available

• Finally, with all due respect to the economic turmoil of the times, I will work my hinny off to make Tedorigawa Bookmakers profitable!


Who's with me in this?! Everybody? Good! Let's hit the bricks, people and make our dreams our reality!

Whew, what a pep talk. Sorry, gotta go. Work to be done and all. (Got to design a killer diary for 2010.)

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