Dec 29, 2007

Bread & Butter or Day Job?

The last update was November 15 and it's already almost next year. Have I been lax or what? Well, yes and no, as the less-than-honest politicians say. I updated a couple of other sites related to my day job and that took more time than it needed; mostly due to some incompetence on someone's side (mine) but let's not point fingers, eh? Okay.

Bookbinding moves apace but because of my day job and the holidays, I have fallen seriously behind in my goals so, instead of feeling depressed and like a failure, I will move the so-far unattained goals to next year as New Year's Resolutions! Yes, that's the ticket. 

This year's unfulfilled goals will become next year's resolutions.
~ my new New Year's Resolution for 2008

And what are those new New Year's Resolutions for 2008? Let's see if I can come up with some wildly unrealistic hopes and then work my rear-end off trying to accomplish some of them. Here goes, subject to editing, my final 2008 New Year's Resolutions:

Work at least an hour everyday on some aspect of bookbinding.
Complete a hard-bound book of my design with wooden covers.
Make a clamshell case.
Design and make a 2009 journal/diary in an edition of about 20.

Which brings me to my final question, perhaps of the year, when did a 'bread and butter job' become a 'day job' and if it's at night, is it still a 'day' job?

Here's to all of you in hopes that you can make your passion your bread and butter job. See you next year.

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