The first book I ever bound was badly put together using duct tape and staples. Using an inkjet printer I managed a few photos of the subject and, of course, it bled through to the other side of the paper so it was useless to write on both sides. This experience led me to a few books on the subject of bookbinding and to coptic bindings. I love the way a coptic-bound book opens almost 360 degrees. Useful for artists, writers, and doodlers like myself. I have bound a few books using the coptic stitching and am getting better at it.
I'm avoiding using skin with my books. I'm using paper, wood, and beeswax but no leather or vellum. I'm hoping my wooden book covers get better as my woodcarving and sanding get better.
I'm avoiding using skin with my books. I'm using paper, wood, and beeswax but no leather or vellum. I'm hoping my wooden book covers get better as my woodcarving and sanding get better.
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