Dec 31, 2012

Calvado Revisited and Bound

I'm editing Calvado: A Deadly Love Story and found an enormous plot hole. Two people have read the completed novel and neither one mentioned this plot hole. Essentially, the main characters go from age 15 to 30. Normally this is not a problem, but in this novel they do it while walking down a New York street and while drinking coffee in a Slovakian cafe. Much, much too quickly. Plus, as they leave the cafe, one is arrested As a Fifteen Year Old. Not good.

I'm going to add a few scenes to fix the plot hole, make the novel deeper, include a few thoughts about modeling, medicine, and the arts. Also, I bound the rough draft in a rough book cover

The covers are cardboard, the book cloth is actually leftover paper, book cloth, and endpaper (the big C on the cover). This was a learning experience; I'm trying to improve my ability to add endpapers and align the square of the book better. With Calvado and a small lined notebook I also bound today, I have learned.

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