Dec 3, 2011

The Brownback Blank

Here, in honor of the great governor of Kansas, is a blank notebook with lots of loose ends on the cover. Also in honor of Governor Brownback, there are no tweets or words that rhyme with "luck" or "muck". Also not mentioned is 'Freedom of Speech' and 'Thin-skinned'

This is a A5 size notebook with eight signatures of four sheets each for 128 pages of green printer paper.the book boards are thin cardboard covered with brown paper and, on the front, random pieces of paper that had accumulated in my paper drawer.

Scraps on the cover include tickets to a couple of concerts, a picture of a kitten hidden beneath the blue strip on the top right, and a chopped up painting (the yellow, blue, and black squares.)

The eventual use of this notebook is as a journal of books I have made. Sorry, probably no political rants about thin-skinned pols with no ability to finance education in their own state.

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