Jul 18, 2010

Papermaking Discoveries

A paper place in Nagano, Japan called Shimayu (島勇) got me to thinking about paper-making and the art involved in said practice. Not that I can do it, but it looks both technical and artistic at the same time. At this link: Shimayu Paper-Making can be seen photos of the process and a description in Japanese so if you're studying Japanese, enjoy. If not, the pictures are, from the top:
  1. 煮熟 - Boiling the raw materials in order to beat them to a.... pulp
  2. 叩解 - Beating
  3. 叩解終了 - Finishing the beating
  4. 紙漉き - Paper making 1
  5. 紙漉き Paper making 2
  6. 紙漉き Paper making 3
  7. 乾燥 - Drying
  8. 仕上げ - Finishing
  9. 仕上げ - Finishing 2
  10. 裁断 - Checking
And then on this page: Shimayu Do It Yourself are step-by-step instructions on how to make your own paper. This instructions are all in Japanese so if you're studying Japanese then you can improve your reading ability and learn to make paper simultaneously. If you're not studying Japanese and never wanted to learn, I'm not going to translate all 22 steps, trust me on that. Besides, you can find dozens if not millions...5.2 million as a matter of fact... of websites that can tell you how. Probably many in English. In fact, here's one now:

How To Make Paper on Howcast

And here's another one:

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