Oct 14, 2009

What Else Do You Do?

I have a few podcasts and blogs that keep me hopping and in order to keep track of what each one contains, I made these two Episode Guide books. As you can see, they are pocket size. Each is about 120 pages mas or menos. They have six sewn signatures of five sheets each, book board was covered with book cloth, and copy paper was used. These are episode guides, not Gutenberg's 42 line Bible.

One is for my Audio Drama podcast called DinoSoar Pix. DinoSoar Pix has audio and video but mostly audio. I make the audio drama when I have the time and recently I have been gathering voice actors from space - the internet tube-things - and doing some cutting and pasting. I also do one wherein I do all the voices and manipulate them with the audio editing program I use. In any case, I enjoy the work and the thought that people are enjoying the work I do.

The other episode guide is for the more educational podcast. Hokudai/Cast is a trilingual podcast that celebrates Japanese, Chinese, and English. I don't speak all these languages; other people do. I speak one. Okay, one and a half (English and Japanese), but many people around me speak Chinese so I use them to my advantage. Hokudai/Cast is from Hokuriku University, where I work. It's a pleasant little liberal arts college on the other side of Japan from Tokyo, Osaka, and other big noisy cities with too many people.

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