May 31, 2008

Five notebooks - side

Five notebooks - side
Originally uploaded by Tedorigawa
Completed May 31, 2008.
They are a great size for jacket pockets - now that summer is raising it's ugly head and no one will be wearing Jackets! Of course, I learned a few things: alignment is important, for example. And book cloth makes a better cover than paper. And you should make sure you have enough material to make five books before you set out to make five books. (Just a rule of thumb, of course, no need to be fanatical about it.) And I've confirmed my idea that, while blank notebooks are fine, some content would be nice.

My next project, nearly complete, is another set of five blank notebooks (see What I've Learned, above, to see that I haven't really learned it at all.) but with a difference! The end papers are photos of my fair city: the front is an array of cherry trees in full bloom and the back is the residence of an author who made good nationally.

I shall upload more photos of this project: Five Green Notebooks, in the near future. And, when complete, the five other notebooks.

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