I've been working on my Monk's Scroll and it's Impossible! Well, not impossible, I just have to figure a few things out like: how big to write the music and whether to write it big enough to see across the room - which will result in a scroll much, much too long - or small enough to have a reasonable-size scroll but too small to see. Balance is all.
The second problem is attaching the music sheet onto the cloth without getting the glue to bleed through to the other, visible, side.
What is not a problem is attaching the cloth to the rod of heaven (the top rod). I figured that out by looking at a few dozen scrolls of varying styles. One style is to sew the cloth around the top rod which means the cloth slides instead of rolls up. The other style is to pound nails through the cloth into the top rod which looks terrible. The final method is cutting the rod in half and gluing or wrapping twine around it to keep it together and this is the method I've opted for. I hope it works out.
Listen to Episode Four: Doin' the Scroll on the player to your right.
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