Nov 1, 2007

The NaNoWriMo Novel blog

On the right you can see two of my other websites, Calvado and The Priests of Hiroshima. These are both National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) novels. Calvado, an excellent little character study of a medical student and a man involved in gangsters, was written last year. The Priests of Hiroshima, a love story involving Calvado and time travel, is being written this month. This month! I've only got 1000 words and I need 50,000! Yikes! I've got to wash the dishes, clean my keyboard, defang the cat and get to work! Please take a look at both and let me know what you think.

One novel I wrote I'm putting together with coptic binding and wooden covers. It's a detective novel with a nine-foot detective named Calaculiambro after a giant in Don Quixote by Cervantes.

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