A nice looking volume from Yamazaki Yo, Japanese bookbinder.
Aug 7, 2014
Jun 9, 2014
Three Completed Books
Jan 24, 2014
Three Books
Here are three books, with printing, that I hope to case in soon. The top two are novels and the bottom one is a lined journal of about 185 pages. I believe they are A5 in size. I'll have to check.
The cloth I'm going to use as bookcloth is in the bottom picture. I'm recycling an old shirt (yellow), and using scraps I was given at a street arts-and-crafts fair last year. After buying some and showing the seller what I was going to do ~ bind books ~ they were happy to help and gave some scraps. Very helpful and I'm glad I'm finally make use of them.
Jan 4, 2014
Sep 14, 2013
Rhinorrhea w. Feet
I'm making a novel/experience. Or a novel experience. Here's the thing, I have created a book of fiction with a bunch of stories, not short stories, but stories nonetheless. There's the main story, which is about a man with aphasia and cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea ~ his brains are leaking out his nose ~ and is in and out of a coma. And all the stories that weave in and out of his mind. Here's the first page of the book.
The title is Tuna Imagination. There's no relation to the title and the content. There's no tuna, no fish, no Joe Walsh LPs. There is however, imagination. Here is the book with endpapers attached and my feet. Plus the cover which is awaiting book cloth for the cover.
Aug 19, 2013
Simple Up and UpCycling
This is Simple Up, a 200-page lined notebook with a unique feature. The front and back covers are made up of book boards. Four, as a matter of fact.
I didn't have large enough book boards for this A5-size book so I glued and buttressed two pieces for the front and two pieces for the back.
Why? I kind of told myself that I should use the supplies I have before I buy more. Using smaller book board pieces for larger projects is part of this as is slapping that yellow strip of book cloth on the front; it may have looked like a scrap but it is being put to good use ~ to indicate the front. Also, the bottom part is leftover book cloth from this book:
This is Journal Kotoba, a B6-size lined journal with Japanese-English translations in the margins for those who want to learn a language one word at a time.
The rough paper is nice, the strings are added for effect, and the metal slip of a ring is added to contrast the softness of the cover paper. It's 187 pages, mas o menos. It's fun to hold and you can learn another language to boot. What fun, eh?
Aug 13, 2013
Aug 2, 2013
Silent Video on Making a Book
Here we have a silent movie on making a book. You can learn and explore and be creative.
Jul 14, 2013
Bookbinding Basics
Sewing on a frame is nice if you have a frame. Otherwise, we need a flat surface like a table or we end up sewing the text block in our laps. (Picture from Jeff Peachy)
Parts of a book. Now, you can make your own.
Jul 4, 2013
The Skins of 160 Donkeys
- The codex is believed to have been created by Herman the Recluse in the Czech Republic. Records in the codex end in the year 1229. From 1477–1593 it was kept in the library of a monastery in Broumov until it was taken to Prague in 1594.
- At the end of the Thirty Year's War in 1648, the entire collection was taken as plunder by the Swedish army. From 1649 to 2007 the manuscript was kept in the Swedish Royal Library.
- In September, 2007, Codex Gigas returned to Prague on loan from Sweden until January 2008, and was on display at the Czech National Library.
At 92 cm (36.2in.) tall, 50 cm (19.7in.) wide and 22 cm (8.6in.) thick it is the largest known medieval manuscript. Weighing 74.8 kg (165 pounds), Codex Gigas is composed of 310 leaves of vellum allegedly made from the skins of 160 donkeys.
This tome has a whole bunch of books rolled up into one: new and old testaments, josephus' history of the jews, hippocrates' medical stuff and, of course, a couple of few pictures of the devil. Rumor has it it was made by Herman in one night, with the help of the devil. Quite an impressive output, if you ask me.
Video Numero Dos En Inglés. Por favor, estudiar español y luego ver este corto video.
While a super find and intriguing, it didn't help with my Tuna and Imagination project. Maybe I must dig even deeper.
May 16, 2013
Creating a Notebook (1)
I printed out two notebooks and my Epson only failed me once. Well, twice if you count its inability to print without all ink ports containing ink, even if you are printing only black but the yellow ink well has run dry. Okay, three times if you also include the nifty and unique way it left a very faint un-inked, non-colored streak down the middle of most pages.
The notebooks are lined, with page numbers (1 ~ 111), and B6 in size. Included here are three pictures showing before and after being sewn, including punching the holes. Eventually, and by that I hope to mean within the next week, these notebooks should be cased in with a soft cover with a design on the front cover - assuming Mr. Epson (didn't he invent the electric lightbulb?) cooperates with the printing...In color!
When the covers are being installed I will post the next installment of "Creating a Notebook" Stay tuned!?
More bookbinding, with audio, at http://tedorigawabookmakers.podbean.com
The notebooks are lined, with page numbers (1 ~ 111), and B6 in size. Included here are three pictures showing before and after being sewn, including punching the holes. Eventually, and by that I hope to mean within the next week, these notebooks should be cased in with a soft cover with a design on the front cover - assuming Mr. Epson (didn't he invent the electric lightbulb?) cooperates with the printing...In color!
When the covers are being installed I will post the next installment of "Creating a Notebook" Stay tuned!?
More bookbinding, with audio, at http://tedorigawabookmakers.podbean.com
Apr 23, 2013
Making Books / Teaching Children Well
No need for lots of fancy-smancy equipment if you want to make a book. Here's a video showing you how to make a book with only paper, scissors, and a magic marker (optional).
And another one that requires a needle and thread plus paper. Both could probably be made easily in a quiet afternoon when the clouds are ominous and impending.
Hope you learned something enjoyable. Maybe even teach your children.
Apr 6, 2013
Frank 'n Dracula Plus
Jammed up three books today: one link-stitched lined journal and two plus novels. These were sewn on cords. One was burned over a gas stove - for authenticity - and ripped, wrinkled, and moisturized. Pictures are of the three and sample pages. The Plan is to case them in tomorrow and present one as a gift.
Novels: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley; Dracula by Bram Stoker; The Vampyre by John Polidori. Mary's and John's were literally written on the same night in the same house.
Novels: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley; Dracula by Bram Stoker; The Vampyre by John Polidori. Mary's and John's were literally written on the same night in the same house.
Mar 14, 2013
Cool Houses for the ENTIRE family.
Hakka Houses in Fujian province, China. Small family homes for up to 500 people. Made of egg whites and rammed earth. Some of these dudes are over 300 years old.
Feb 10, 2013
Ritz Recycled
Good morning everyone. I have succeeded in pushing my personal envelope. Here are two pictures - front and back - of a 160-page lined journal. I have recycled a Ritz cracker box for the covers but that is not the envelope-pushing bit.
The enveloped that was pushed are the corners. I believe this is called quarter or half binding; related more to finely crafted leather bindings than to Ritz cracker boxes. However, it was my first and one that I'm going to use on other books as well. Especially lined or unlined notebooks because it gives the allusion of a school notebook and its image of hard work, doodling, and dozing off in class... Hold on.
The enveloped that was pushed are the corners. I believe this is called quarter or half binding; related more to finely crafted leather bindings than to Ritz cracker boxes. However, it was my first and one that I'm going to use on other books as well. Especially lined or unlined notebooks because it gives the allusion of a school notebook and its image of hard work, doodling, and dozing off in class... Hold on.
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